

It’s been said that nothing exposes a person’s ignorance and lack of culture quicker than faulty geography or a lack of literary knowledge. I would add to that a lack of basic historical awareness.

There’s nothing like escaping into a good paragraph. It seems like I’ve always been a reader and a writer. I made my living that way, for the most part, aside from all that other stuff that got in the way. Now I’m retired and living a single person’s life surrounded by books. I’m from St. Louis and lived the first 64 years of my life in Missouri and most of that in Jefferson City, the diminutive state capital, dealing with bureaucracy and some folks with dimunitive ideas. But I was happy…my wife and I had a daughter and then PTA and Girl Scouts. My daughter grew up, my wife passed away and I eventually decided to move 1,000 miles away to New Mexico where I am, indeed, enchanted, more or less. There is a lot to do here and the place is mostly under the radar….a well kept secret.

I’m a slow reader — I don’t exactly diagram the sentences but I do ponder why an author phrased a sentence or a paragraph the way they did. I’m currently reading three books. That’s not counting one book I’ve been reading since 1970 — I will eventually get it finished. I usually have five blogs going at any one time.

I’m a refugee from Red Room…the well-loved writers’ haven on the internet that closed it’s doors in 2014. I stumbled on to Red Room back in 2011 and enjoyed reading and writing with other folks who were also engaged in writing and ideas. I write for fun. Back when I was writing grants I had deadlines and discipline. I think I need to get back to some of that discipline and Red Room provided some of that as well as encouragement and inspiration from other writers. That’s about all you need to know.

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